About GLM

Green Light Media is a visual media production company working to highlight the successes of it's clients through quality storytelling, photography, and video productions.

Showing category "GLM Photos" (Show all posts)

Rwandan Vistas

Posted by J. William. on Monday, August 31, 2015, In : GLM Photos 
A quick view from our journey to the Kintobo Health Post near Niyabihu, Rwanda.

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Sunrise in Rwanda

Posted by James William on Monday, August 31, 2015, In : GLM Photos 
Early morning shot from our shoot with Health Builders

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KOICA Rwanda filming August 2015

Posted by James William on Monday, August 31, 2015, In : GLM Photos 
Green Light Media Videographer - Hassan Bizimana filming at Kobeki Cooperative, in Kigarama for KOICA Rwanda.

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